I was was waiting for my ACL surgery after an injury (the re-occurred from the past) and I rented a Seqex mat. Using it daily I am able to my recommended exercises pain free and the inflammation is almost gone. The mat has helped an incredibly significant amount.

Justin Shaver

In 2018, I injured myself on the job when I was a Medical Lab Tech and was off work for 3 years with many, many hours of rehabilitation, physiotherapy, acupuncture and many other types of treatments to bring me relief and nothing seemed to work. In 2019, a day before my 32nd birthday, I went in for a discectomy of my L4,L5 vertebrae. This surgery brought me some relief but over time I began to slowly get worse.
In June of 2023, I woke up one morning and reached for my cane like every other morning. I forced myself out of bed and walked over to my desk to grab what was usually my second Oxycodone of the day (I would wake up in extreme pain around 3am and need one). I made my way upstairs for a coffee and by the time I approached the kitchen, I collapsed to the floor in tears because I was so sick and tired of feeling like this day after day.
I was told by my mom a few days earlier how my aunt had come across this Seqex mat that my grandmother had been using for her fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis and other ailments that were keeping her in bed for years. My mom told me how my grandmother was out gardening until midnight the one night which was something she always did before getting sick.
I called a lady that I knew had one of these mats 2 hours away and she told me to come right away! I got into my car and made the excruciating 2 hour drive to hopefully find any relief.
After a one hour session, I had a surprisingly amount of relief to the point that I almost could not believe it!
I ended up renting one for myself from the distributor and began my own treatments every single day. In 10 days, I was no longer using my cane, within a month i was able to start backing off of my oxycodone because my pain was not as bad.
At this point I knew I needed to purchase this equipment and made the decision to do so after going to Wasaga Beach and meeting the sisters who brought this medical device from Italy.
I am now 5 months in and I can tell my back is healing, I am coming off my medication completely this week and the best thing of all, I CANCELLED MY SURGERY!!!

I was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis together with chronic uveitis, ,costochondritis, osteoporosis, femuroacetabular impigment and many other issues connected to this disease. Seqex changed things for me instantly. Whether it was pain management , mental health and overall well-being, I could feel the difference every time I used my Seqex device.
All of this combined with Kim and Jackie’s extensive knowledge and absolute devotion to help others , this was a game changer for my battle with this disease. I would recommend it to anyone, it will change your life.

Best thing I have ever decided to do. Went on a referral from a friend and have felt many positive changes. Thank you for everything you ladies do!

I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in 2022. I started using the Seqex bed immediately. It was instrumental in getting me through my treatments and also in my recovery. I had chemo, radiation, and surgery, and the Seqex was personalized for me for each of those journeys. I was able to continue to work the entire time while undergoing treatment! It helped me sleep, help with anxiety, and it helped me heal! I can’t thank Jackie and Kim enough. It has saved my life in so many ways!


I own a wellness center in Richmond Hill, Ontario. I’m a registered massage therapist and have come across pulsed electromagnetic magnetic field therapy. Jackie and Kim are the main distributor for Canada for the Seqex machine etc. I’ve used the machine personally for the last 5 years with great results with decreased pain in my body, increased energy, increased focus and just a great feeling… a feeling of well-being. I became very impressed with the technology and decided to invest in it. Jackie and Kim were excellent and helped me with a payment plan and now all my patients are benefiting from this therapy and absolutely loving it. I’m so grateful for this machine and everyone that is involved in creating it and of course Health Wellness Industries for being so amazing in training me on the machine. It’s absolutely a great modality to go with massage therapy. They work hand in hand. Thank you, thank you thank you! #Earthing technology at it’s best.


Di Trani Proactive Wellness

New Seqex Owner

I received my purchased Seqex at the end of March 2023. Since then I have been using it twice a day, My gastrointestinal problem cleared up quickly. Three or four weeks ago I felt some intense irritation in my stomach. I made a few minor diet and routine eating changes and then relied on the Seqex mat again with the anti inflammatory program. Again it was eliminated quickly. I routinely use the chronic osteo arthritis program and feel good with more energy now than I have had for a number of months. I look forward to my times on the mat every day for resting, reading, thinking or just my time to be completely relaxed. I am getting close to being eighty years old and am striving for optimum health. This was my gift from me to me to help achieve that.


Testimonial – Gary Roberts

I am a firm believer in using an Integrated approach to achieve a healthy lifestyle. This approach brings together proper nutrition, exercise and recovery measures that help my body bounce back from the wear and tear of every day life. I use SEQEX ICR (Ion Cyclotron Resonance) therapy as one of the recovery measures that helps my body reduce inflammation, improve circulation and relieve post exercise soreness. It has been an effective tool to help keep my body recharged and reduce pain.

Talyn Maclean

My mom brought home a seqex mat just before I left for university. I have suffered from asthma for years and always needed my puffer. I tried the micro circulation program with the belt attachment across my chest. Two days later I played my first lacrosse game of my season for school. I was surprised I did not reach for my puffer once. With one treatment my breathing was significantly better.