This seqex mat has changed my life, all for the better. Going to Italy with Kim and Jackie and the group was such an amazing experience. Learning from all the doctors who explained the theory of PEMF and put everything in perspective. More people should be open to this technology. It is so safe and wonderful.

My name is Blaire, I have suffered from a condition called Interstitial cystitis (Painful Bladder Syndrome) for many years which is a chronic condition causing symptoms of bladder pressure, bladder pain and sometimes pelvic pain.  I would be in such pain that my bladder felt like it was on fire.  There are no specific medications on the market to cure it.  I would take Advil or Aleve to help with the pain but really didn’t help a whole lot.  With this condition you also have to be very careful what you eat.  I needed to stay away from caffeine, acidic foods, citrus foods, and spicy foods as these types of foods would irritate the bladder wall which was already inflamed.


A friend who knew of my condition, spoke to me about this Seqex treatment that she knew of and how successful it was in helping people with various health issues. Kim & Jackie of Health Wellness had made arrangements with my friend to use a room at her business for clients in our area who were using this treatment.  I went home and read a little more about it and spoke to my husband and decided I have nothing to lose in trying.  I spoke with Jackie, letting her know what my health issue was and she figured out what type of treatment was needed and programmed a card to be used in the Seqex Machine.  I purchased 10 sessions to see how things went. To be honest I was a little sceptical about this treatment, lying on a bed (feeling nothing) and having it transmit electromagnetic pulse waves into my body which allows the breakdown of my cells to become more permeable allowing toxins to be released and nutrients absorbed which reduces inflammation.  After the first couple of treatments I didn’t notice any difference but told myself I would do all 10 treatments and then decide.  By the 6th session I started to notice a small difference but COVID was in full swing again and the government was shutting all businesses down again, this was around December 2020 so that meant I wouldn’t be able to continue with my sessions just when I was starting to feel somewhat normal and the pain was subsiding.  It was such a relief but now what am I going to do?  My husband and I talked and we decided to buy the machine which was a huge investment but if it made me feel better and have a normal life, pain free, we thought it was worth it.   Jackie programmed two cards for me specific to my condition that I would & still use every night.  The one program is about a 1/2 hour and I run it while lying in bed reading before shutting my light out and the second program is about 3 1/2 hours and it runs while I sleep.  Well, I am so glad we made the investment in buying the Seqex Machine as it has changed my life and I am pain free and living a normal life once again, 3 1/2 years now!!




I am extremely happy with the healing going on in my body since acquiring my seqex mat. Having acquired kidney disease a few years ago, my kidney function has been minimally functioning but now is slowly improving with using the seqex. I am also noticing parasites leaving my body and that is a challenge that modern medicine has not found any effective treatments for. Thank you Seqex!!!!

I have a chronic autoimmune condition, I have rented a Seqex device and I’m having amazing results – I was actually able to go for two light runs this week and was able to garden all day Saturday without too much pain or becoming totally exhausted. It is incredible how much more rested I’m feeling getting up in the mornings too.
SO grateful for this ❤️

I was was waiting for my ACL surgery after an injury (the re-occurred from the past) and I rented a Seqex mat. Using it daily I am able to my recommended exercises pain free and the inflammation is almost gone. The mat has helped an incredibly significant amount.

Justin Shaver

In 2018, I injured myself on the job when I was a Medical Lab Tech and was off work for 3 years with many, many hours of rehabilitation, physiotherapy, acupuncture and many other types of treatments to bring me relief and nothing seemed to work. In 2019, a day before my 32nd birthday, I went in for a discectomy of my L4,L5 vertebrae. This surgery brought me some relief but over time I began to slowly get worse.
In June of 2023, I woke up one morning and reached for my cane like every other morning. I forced myself out of bed and walked over to my desk to grab what was usually my second Oxycodone of the day (I would wake up in extreme pain around 3am and need one). I made my way upstairs for a coffee and by the time I approached the kitchen, I collapsed to the floor in tears because I was so sick and tired of feeling like this day after day.
I was told by my mom a few days earlier how my aunt had come across this Seqex mat that my grandmother had been using for her fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis and other ailments that were keeping her in bed for years. My mom told me how my grandmother was out gardening until midnight the one night which was something she always did before getting sick.
I called a lady that I knew had one of these mats 2 hours away and she told me to come right away! I got into my car and made the excruciating 2 hour drive to hopefully find any relief.
After a one hour session, I had a surprisingly amount of relief to the point that I almost could not believe it!
I ended up renting one for myself from the distributor and began my own treatments every single day. In 10 days, I was no longer using my cane, within a month i was able to start backing off of my oxycodone because my pain was not as bad.
At this point I knew I needed to purchase this equipment and made the decision to do so after going to Wasaga Beach and meeting the sisters who brought this medical device from Italy.
I am now 5 months in and I can tell my back is healing, I am coming off my medication completely this week and the best thing of all, I CANCELLED MY SURGERY!!!

I was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis together with chronic uveitis, ,costochondritis, osteoporosis, femuroacetabular impigment and many other issues connected to this disease. Seqex changed things for me instantly. Whether it was pain management , mental health and overall well-being, I could feel the difference every time I used my Seqex device.
All of this combined with Kim and Jackie’s extensive knowledge and absolute devotion to help others , this was a game changer for my battle with this disease. I would recommend it to anyone, it will change your life.

I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in 2022. I started using the Seqex bed immediately. It was instrumental in getting me through my treatments and also in my recovery. I had chemo, radiation, and surgery, and the Seqex was personalized for me for each of those journeys. I was able to continue to work the entire time while undergoing treatment! It helped me sleep, help with anxiety, and it helped me heal! I can’t thank Jackie and Kim enough. It has saved my life in so many ways!